
Enlisted below are the prime functions of e-Libraries:

  • Provide remote access to general public to top read international e-collections
  • Provide remote access through VPN and on spot access through hotspots in e-Libraries in Punjab
  • Economize access to knowledge
  • Provide digital library software to e-Libraries
  • Provide library automation software to e-Libraries
  • Management, administration, finance and operations of e-Libraries
  • Monitoring and evaluation of e-Libraries
  • Staffing of Centralized Digital Library as well as e-Libraries
  • Coordination with Sports Board, Parks and Horticulture Authority, DCs, Commissioners and other relevant departments
  • Provide training in configuration of digital library software and automation of eLibraries
  • Provide training in metadata allotment and digital content management
  • Train librarians, teachers, IT staff & students in effective use of e-resources through a master trainer program
  • Establish and run 20 elibraries in adjacent to sports complexes
  • Establish from scratch and run 40 Park Libraries in populated Parks across the province
  • Selection, purchase, installation and maintanance of furniture & fixture, books and magazines, library security system, Internet connectivity and computer equipment for e-Libraries